

 >• Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union v Coca Cola Amatil (Australia) Pty Ltd [2009] FWAFB 668 – appeal about an application for a majority support determination• Construction, Forestry, Mining, Energy Union- Mining and Energy Division v Tahmoor Coal Pty Ltd [2010] FWAFB 3510  – appeal about an application for a good faith bargaining order.You will be able to download the decisions from the website for Fair Work Australia at www.fwa.gov.au.  Search for the decision by name or by case number eg. [2009] FWAFB 668. NB. Do either Question 4 or Question 5Question 4 – Maximum 1000 wordsIdentify the entitlements under the National Employment Standards that could be relied upon by an employee to better accommodate the employee’s family responsibilities. Explain how those entitlements could be relied upon to do so. To what extent could the entitlements be relied upon by casual employees? Also to what extent are the entitlements under the NES more beneficial to employees than the prohibitions against discrimination on grounds of family responsibilities in the Fair Work Act 2009 and other discrimination legislation? Question 5 – Maximum 1000 wordsPart 3-1 of the Fair Work Act 2009 sets out protections for employees. Pretend you are an HR practitioner or a workplace relations lawyer working for or advising a client employer. Draft a summary of Part 3-1 Papers.htmlwith the purpose of informing the employer what the employer’s obligations are under Part 3-1 and recommending how best the employer could avoid penalties or other sanctions under the Part. Introduction The legal issues in this case include Fred’s right of recovery for breach of contract by Kengi or the $10 000 under the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974  for exclusive dealing & whether the discount is a binding contract, or whether Fred can rely on promissory estoppel 代写留学生作业to prevent Kengi reneging on the agreed discount.  Other issues include negligence, in conjunction with the Wrongs Act (1958),  and statutory protection under the TPA for Andreas, Lena & Abdullah.  Finally, do the provisions of the Food Act 1984 (Vic) or the TPA allow for imprisonment of Fred or Ieysu? Can Fred sue Kengi for breach of contract for selling seafood to Sophia’s Restaurant? In order for Fred to sue for breach of contract, he needs to prove a contract existed, it was breached & the breach caused is losses.  His http://www.51fabiao.org/liuxuezuoyedx/promise to pay $10 000/year to Kengi in return for a promise not to sell to other restaurants is an offer with clear promissory intent , which Kengi has expressly accepted  by promising not to sell to other restaurants.  With no statement to the contrary, it can be presumed that they intended to be bound by their promises.   In Currie v Misa  it was stated that consideration can take the form of forbearance to act.  Thus, Kengi’s promise not to sell to others would be good consideration for Fred’s promise & a contract would exist.  Whilst the express terms are clear, Kengi may argue there is an implied term based on past dealings, i.e. he can sell unwanted seafood to friend’s sushi bar (clearly Can Fred sue Kengi for breach of contract for reneging on his promise of a discount? Is Fred liable in negligence for injuries suffered by Andreas, Lena & Abdhullah?1. Andreas, Lena & Abdhullah knew of the danger:2. Andreas, Lena & Abdhullah appreciated the risk of injury created by the danger:They couldn’t have appreciated the risk of injury, as they weren’t fully aware of the danger.3. Andreas, Lena & Abdhullah voluntarily agreed to accept the risk:Is Fred liable under Part VA of the TPA?Can Fred be sued for breach of contract by Andreas, Lena & Abdhullah?Can Fred or Ieysu face criminal charges resulting in imprisonment? Bibliography Brendan Sweeney & Jennifer O’Reilly, Law in Commerce (2nd ed), Butterworths, Chatswood, 2004. Martin Davies & Ian Malkin, Butterworths Tutorial Series - Torts (4th ed), LexisNexis Butterworths Australia, Chatswood, 2003. Paul Latimer, Australian Business Law, (26th ed), CCH Australia Limited, Sydney, 2007. Review of the Law of Negligence, Final Report (2002), available at last accessed Sun 2nd September, 2007.

essayquality 发布于 2021-03-06T08:28:29Z

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  • 极速飞艇  常用种子繁殖榴莲,但榴莲遗传变异性大,每只核都可能长出十种不同品质的果实,而且良莠不齐,劣等榴莲可育出非常优秀的品种。同样,好的榴莲也可育出劣质品种,有的实生榴莲终生不挂果。为了培育优良品种,保证品种纯,早结丰产,多采用嫁接繁殖来培育榴莲。除了单子叶和一些形成层不规则的植物,几乎所有双子叶的木本植物都可以芽接繁殖。砧木铅笔般大小,现砧木茎部离土10cm处,由上而下割两道宽0.7cm,长3~4cm切缝,在两道切缝的顶端平切一刀,将皮拉起,长短与芽片相吻合。

    澳洲幸运5 切口下端留下少许已拉开的皮以供托住芽片。获取芽片的过程与砧水切缝拉皮方法相同,镶合后,用1cm宽的塑胶薄膜带扎紧。嫁接口最好在两天内不要接触雨水意的是其他果树芽接法可将芽体完全包扎,唯有榴莲例外,因为芽片上的芽体容易脱落。两星期后就可知是否成活。成活后,在砧木上端离接芽约30cm处剪掉以刺激芽眼快速生长。日后,砧木会滋生很多的砧枝,这些砧枝不可完全除掉,必须翻下一两枝以帮助接芽吸收养分,但是所留的砧枝不可让其生长过盛,需时常修剪以免阻碍接芽的成长

    darkhome8891 发布于 2021-03-18T06:13:49Z